Study at Siberian State Medical University is an investment in your future that offers a prestigious medical degree, equipping you to become a doctor and save lives.

To make your study more affordable, we provide you with the information about funding opportunities available for international students in Russia. They range from part funding, for example paying part of your fees, to full funding, which covers program fees and living expenses. 

You can search for the right funding and scholarships for you below.

Russian Government Scholarships

The Russian Government Scholarship covers full tuition and a monthly allowance. Travel costs, living expenses and a mandatory health insurance program are not included. The Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis.

The application procedure starts in January. A deadline depends on the applicant’s country of origin (may vary from March to June).

More derails about Russian Government Scholarships

State-funded places for ex-Compatriots

SibMed provides the opportunity for applicants with the status of ex-Compatriot to apply for state-funded places. To do this, you need to submit to the SibMed Admission Office documents confirming that you or your family member (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, great-grandmother, and great-grandfather) had the citizenship of the USSR or lived in Russia in the past.